price of raisins in wholesale

The price of raisins in  different types in Radin Trading Complex is always set in balanced and cheap ranges. You are assured that by choosing this nut and dried fruit factory as a producer of raisins, you will benefit greatly.

Raisins wholesale price

Raisins wholesale price

The cheap raisins of Radin Trading Group have paved the way to achieve high profit easily for the buyers. The opinions expressed by all the regular customers of Radin Trading Group regarding dried fruit products can indicate their high satisfaction with the quality of dried fruit products. The main question of the new buyers of Radin may be what is the quality of cheap raisins, which can be said with confidence that cheap raisins always have all the features expected by customers.



Price of raisins in wholesale

Price of raisins in wholesale

Like other products of the Radin trading group, raisins are available to all buyers at a lower price than the market by this well-known producer. Producers who provide their products to their customers from the factory door without any intermediaries. can have a good sales market because the cheap prices cause new customers to be attracted to this collection every day. Also, the activity of such producers has an effect on the final price reduction of raisins as a whole.


Wholesale bulk raisins

Wholesale bulk raisins

Green raisins, raisins, black raisins, yellow raisins, and plum raisins are produced by Radin Trading Group. The modernized methods of Radin Group have always made the product produced to be of the highest quality. Today, Radin is the most famous and It is considered to be the most experienced dried fruit producer in the country, and calculations have been made and the average sales amount of Radin collection shows how prosperous the dry fruit sales market is in this collection.

Exporting raisins in different types

Exporting raisins in different types

Foreign customers from different countries of the world buy high-quality raisins. The percentage of popularity of this product among foreigners is very high. Most of the foreign customers buy with international currency, and when the final price of the product is compared with international currency. It is considered reasonable and very economical to buy in bulk and a large volume of it. Radin Trading Group has considered special services for all its foreign customers.


Green raisins

Green raisins

Excellent green raisin, which is a high-quality product of Radin Trading Group, is suitable for bulk purchase. The unique taste, color and texture of this product can be considered as the main reason for customers to buy again from Radin Group. If you, dear ones, have not yet purchased from this large collection in the country, you can contact the contact numbers available on the site to order and purchase.

packaging of raisins

packaging of raisins

The packaging of excellent raisins after the production of this product can make its storage conditions easier. The packaging methods are different in each producer group, but the products that are bought in bulk are usually packed in cartons and several kilos. They have to be easily offered to all buyers and to maintain the freshness and quality of the products until they are used.


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