dried plums wholesale center

Radin Nuts and Dried Fruit Trading Group, as a dried plums wholesale center, has been able to expand its export activities by establishing its sales offices in Georgia, Nigeria and Dubai, and has been recognized as one of the leaders active in international trade in the world markets.

dried plums wholesale

dried plums wholesale

The best types of dried plums should be requested from the best producer in the world. Thanks to the presence of many communication facilities, this opportunity has been provided for buyers so that they can easily access high-quality and first-class products and buy them at low costs. Direct distribution of dried plums is one of the best opportunities for store owners anywhere in the world. Because they buy the freshest and highest quality products from the factory at a much lower price, with daily orders.


dried plums wholesale center

dried plums wholesale center

Radin Trading Group has the ability to do this by producing and selling wholesale and finally by exporting all kinds of nuts and dried fruits, including dried plums. It registered a superior name in the world markets and due to the acceptance of the sale of this product, it increased its products day by day and became known as a strong supplier in the world.


plums wholesale price

plums wholesale price

The wholesale price of dried plums is subject to constant fluctuations due to the economic changes of the international currency, and in addition to this, the price of this product is more expensive compared to its fresh type due to its mass production and exportation, because it is a long-term process and the process It goes through the production in compliance with the principles of hygiene and preserving the nutritional value.

dried plums online sales

   dried plums online sales

The wholesale sale of dried plums in Radin collection is done online. By accepting wholesale orders from all over the world, the strong manufacturer Radin has the ability to apply the comments of buyers and merchants and by producing and selling a flawless product, the customer’s customized product by receiving the order details by sending a message to WhatsApp and or the email of this collection, register the order and bring it to the export stage as soon as possible and by receiving the lowest profit and surplus amount

dried plums exporter

dried plums exporter

It is necessary to explain that the main sales center of dried plums with the well-known and reliable name of Radin has been able to shine in the international trade and in the world arena by achieving success in export.


sunsweet prunes

sunsweet prunes

Prunes are nature’s perfect way to feel good with nutrition and delicious taste. Sunsweet Prunes offer fiber from whole fruit, with only 100 calories per serving. Prunes are known to have a low glycemic index, which means they control your hunger pangs for a long time. Benefits: – Prevents Constipation – Balances Blood Sugar levels – Maintains Cholesterol levels – Good for Anemics – Protects Heart – Ideal for Weight Loss – Good for Muscles


benefits of dried plums

benefits of dried plums

Different types of dried plums differ from each other in terms of color and taste, but they are similar in terms of their properties and benefits. People who are vegetarians can use prunes instead of red meat and supply their iron in this way. Anemia causes a lack of concentration and dried fruits are a good source to cure this disease. If you are looking for weight loss and at the same time looking for a delicious food to solve this problem, do not neglect the consumption and benefits of plums.


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